Co-curricular Activities

The importance of Co-curricular activities is that it stands on the academic excellence and plays a great role in shaping the personality of a child. St Thomas Public School tried to provide all the opportunities necessary for the wholesome development of children. Our students did marvelously well in all aspects of curricular & co-curricular activities. The teachers are always on their toes working enthusiastically to guide &assist the pupils in all their endeavors.
Our students won a number of inter school competitions. The celebrations of Christmas, Onam & other festivals portrayed the spirit of peace, love and harmony that these blessed festival exudes, the abacus training that we follow here recognize and values the uniqueness of each individuals &his potentials. Swimming coaching on fourth Saturdays have paved a way for our students to show case their innate abilities and to enkindle their passion for further learning to serve the society.
The school has provided a platform for band arts, crafts, yoga, karate, music, dance and glass painting so that to exhibit their hidden talents. Certificates & other prizes are awarded to the deserving students as a means of encouragement & appreciation. Our SMART CLASS ROOM really appeals the younger generation as the visual images captive them to grasp the concept faster and quicker. Our COMPUTER LAB & SCIENCE LAB are healthy, balanced and matured that make the learning process easier and lighter in spite of having tougher and wider syllabus. The year witnessed an activity packed year as we had a number of programmes both at inter and intra school level.